Creating Caring Communities funded by the Government of Canada
Creating Caring Communities is a transformational community development program that was first established in Toronto in 2008 in St James Town. The program is driven by a focus on engaging diverse communities to learn from them about health care and access challenges and identifying co design approaches to supporting people to remain at home through advancing age and illness, Community members also become part of the solution strategy by taking on roles that support people to navigate the health care and social services systems in our city as well as by providing support in the home.
We are the proud recipients of contributions from the Government of Canada . This 3 years funding has enabled us to scale the CCC model of care in Nova Scotia and in Ontario.
Honouring Truth & Reconciliation Day
Hospice Toronto encourages you to commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Day on September 30th.
Here are some resources and ways to honour Truth and Reconciliation Day.
Celebrating Hospice Toronto’s Carers on Family Caregiver Day
A spotlight on adaptations of the Young Carers Program to the pandemic & remote Reiki therapy
by Adam Lam
Supporting young caregivers at Hospice Toronto’s Young Carers Program
Young caregivers at Hospice Toronto connect with other carers in their age group and find support at Hospice Toronto’s Young Carers Program (YCP).
“The Young Carers Program… offers therapeutic recreational programs for caregivers, who are between the ages of five and 18,” said Chelsea-Anne Alex, our Young Carers Program Facilitator. These caregivers support a family member who are managing a “chronic or life-threatening illness, disability, addiction, mental illness, or language barrier,” as explained on the YCP’s website.
The Young Carers Program has shifted online to adapt to the pandemic, explained Alex. The program features three types of events: YCP Nights, Workshops, and camps. “A YCP night has more of a recreational focus, where young carers can take a break from their caregiving role, connect with peers in similar situations, and have fun,” explained Alex.
“Then we have our skill building workshops, where they tend to focus on young carers being able to learn a skill. We have workshops like self-care nights where they can learn coping skills,” she continued. One workshop series includes cooking workshops, where young caregivers can learn cooking skills with their peers online. The Young Carers Program also runs situation-specific workshops, such as a sibling workshop for caregivers who support a sibling.
Though recreational camps have typically been run in-person during the summer and March Break, the YCP has adapted to run them online. “We’ll send packages to the young carers in advance, so they have all the supplies they need. And then we’ll run programs twice daily online.” said Alex.
To support young carers with the unique challenges caused by the pandemic, Alex said: “We noticed with the switch to online learning, a lot of young carers are falling behind in their homework and … in school.”
Helping with their education, Alex said: “We introduced a homework help program where young carers can log on and get one-to-one support with one of our volunteers, students or interns. They can… have a quiet space, do their homework online, and have someone answer any questions they may have.”
Young carers can learn more about becoming a member at the YCP’s website.
In conversation with Debra Bentzen
Hospice Toronto also spoke with Debra Bentzen, a Reiki Complementary Therapy Volunteer who has been with the organization since 2005. Reiki therapy is a spiritual practice typically involving human touch, which can complement the treatment of clients at Hospice Toronto.
Due to the pandemic, Bentzen explained how she has shifted Reiki practice to long-distance treatment online, while continuing to treat a palliative care client she is matched with. The transfer of energy between individuals, which is at the core of the spiritual practice, reaches across long distances between caregivers and clients, explained Bentzen.
“I usually… call them up, [and] we have a conversation for a little bit,” said Bentzen. The client shifts to a relaxed position, usually lying down, where Bentzen can begin the treatment over the course of the telephone call.
“One of the challenges with doing any alternative support during COVID is that not all clients are able to [meet over] Zoom,” said Bentzen, “[and] they have to rely on a telephone.” The lessened personal connection can be a challenge, she explained, but can be overcome by careful attention and communication over the telephone call.
For many clients, the pandemic has been “difficult because they don’t have the support systems [they normally have] around them,” said Bentzen. Connecting with complementary therapy volunteers such with Reiki, she reflected, can help these clients connect with others and move into a state of relaxation.
Hospice Toronto provides one-on-one support for children and youth with bereavement
How youth can find support with the Hospice Toronto team
by Adam Lam
TORONTO, January 28, 2021 — Children and youth experiencing the loss of a loved one can find support with a dedicated team of volunteers at Hospice Toronto.
The bereavement program, which offers “short term individual sessions,” peer support groups, and one-on-one calls with volunteers, helps support the mental health of youth, which may have different experiences with loss in contrast to adults.
“The Hospice Toronto Expressive Arts Children’s Grief and Bereavement Program provides one-on-one support to Children and Youth who are grieving the loss of a family member,” says Chelsea-Anne Alex, the Young Carers Program Facilitator with the Young Carers Program (YCP) run by Hospice Toronto.
“Children and youth grieve differently than adults and they do not always have the words or means to express their grief,” she continues. “The Expressive Arts sessions focus on art and play as a way of expression and gives the children a way to express their grief in a way that feels natural to them. Hospice Toronto is providing a space where children can explore their grief in way that feels very comfortable to them.”
The program is especially relevant today on Bell Let’s Talk Day, an initiative aimed and promoting a global conversation on mental health. It also aims to support fundraising for mental health initiatives.
“#Bell Let’s Talk Day has never been more poignant than now as we feel the ongoing impact of the covid-19 pandemic,” says Teri Henderson, Director of Community Programs at Hospice Toronto. “Take this opportunity to reach out, to “tune in” to your own sense of well-being and stay connected safely in these times of physical distancing.”
For more information on Expressive Arts, please contact To learn more about bereavement support, please call 416-364-1666. You can also donate to support our programs and initiatives for mental health.
Online Hike for Hospice raises over $26,000 for hospice care in Toronto
Top individual, youth fundraisers represented by Hospice Toronto at first-ever online Hike for Hospice
by Adam Lam
Adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic, fundraisers with Hospice Toronto, the Philip Aziz Centre, and Emily’s House raised over $26,000 for palliative care from July 31 to September 12 in Toronto’s first-ever Virtual Hike for Hospice.
Hike for Hospice is an online fundraising initiative where volunteers registered and held their own symbolic ‘walk,’ raised enthusiasm through videos and photos, and received messages of support from donors. Practicing social distancing, these participants walked and biked outside, climbed stairs, and worked out on ellipticals and treadmills while raising funds for an important cause.
Chris McEvenue, Managing Partner at CPC Healthcare Communication, was recognized as the top individual fundraiser at the event, raising $2185.00 for Hospice Toronto, and Sienna R. also won the Youth Prize for raising $430 for Hospice Toronto.
As McEvenue noted to Hospice Toronto: “It’s tough being a not-for-profit, and COVID hasn’t made that easier. Hospice Toronto needs to keep finding new ways of appealing for support where so many charities are doing the same.”
He then raised attention to Hospice Toronto’s next upcoming major fundraiser: the Virtual Gala, held online on October 22 starting at 7:00 pm. “It’ll be an amazing event, with guests that include Rick Mercer, Elizabeth Manley, Maggie Casella and Josh Matlow,” he noted. “It’s free to attend and people can register by going to It’s going to be a great event, which will, over and above our special guests, include a silent auction of some incredible items.”
“Hospice Toronto is also looking for more ‘predictable’ donations, so someone might consider becoming a monthly donor,” he continued. “Or they might make to make a bequest, in someone’s memory. If you go to, you can see there are many ways to make a difference.”
Hospice Toronto Meal Delivery Feeds More Than Just Bellies in COVID-19 (
Hospice Toronto’s Response to COVID-19
The ongoing COVID-19 crisis is dramatically impacting organisations and individuals throughout the globe. Hospice Toronto has been taking pro-active steps to protect the well-being of our clients, volunteers, caregivers and staff while also adapting to the situation to maintain our provision of services to the best of our capabilities.
Please click the button below to visit our News Page and read the full statement from our C.E.O. Dena Maule.
We are continuing to deliver programs and services remotely during the COVID-19 crisis, to view a list of our remote programs or for further information please click the button below.